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Terms and Conditions

Even in times of bereavement, misunderstandings or other situations causing disagreement can arise. For this reason we list below a small number of terms on which we believe it is fair and reasonable to proceed.


  1. The first meeting to discuss the requirements of a client is free of charge and obligation. Any subsequent meetings will be deemed to be as a result of an instruction for Gillian Bond to serve the client in return for the agreed fee(s).

  2. Upon an instruction to serve a client being issued verbally or in writing the customer is deemed to have entered into a contract for Gillian Bond to perform agreed services for the agreed fee(s).

  3. The agreed fee(s) shall be come payable immediately upon discharge of the agreed duties to be performed by Gillian Bond and/or her servants and/or agents.

  4. At no time shall the customer enter into another or alternative agreement with another party to perform the same or similar services in connection with a similar ceremony on behalf the same person deceased without the express agreement of Gillian Bond in agreeing to the same in writing.

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